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How to Create a Zen Area at Your Office

Stress is a killer. It prematurely ages people and can often cause cellular death, pain, and illness, wreaking overall havoc on their bodies. For most, it is the work/life balance at the root of it all. Life should not be this way. Stress should come only in times of dire need, not on a daily basis as you try to get the next deadline in or try to figure your way out of a work problem.

There are many ways to stop or reduce your stress, from lifestyle changes to career changes, but whatever decisions you make for your life, know that they will be doubled when you also work to create a zen area at your office with this guide:

Keep Clutter Hidden

Clutter and mess can be very, very stressful. That being said, it isn’t realistic to assume you will always be able to keep everything tidy. Make it easy for yourself by having chests or other large storage areas where you can hide clutter until you are in a better position to properly put everything back in its place.

Improve Comfort Levels

Zen is not just the environment; it is how you feel. If you are uncomfortable in any way, then it is time to improve that. Invest in better chairs, desks, and other office-friendly accessories that make it easier and more comfortable to work.

Think Outside

It isn’t just inside that matters when you want to create a zen area at your office. Though you will have more control if your office is in your home and you do have your own garden space, there is always possibilities.

Corporate offices and home offices without garden spaces can also add natural zen elements. Small indoor gardens or, alternatively, balcony or windowsill planters are two excellent ways to add calmness and beauty to a corporate space.

The current generation loves their privacy. And, if you do have an outdoor area at your office, then an office garden could be a prudent option for you to invest in at the earliest. With remote working gaining its own popularity, why not put your stakes in such relaxing opportunities? A productive home office at the bottom of the garden can play a part in realizing that dream. Try to focus as much on the sounds as the sights. A water feature from can add something beautiful to look at, and you can transform the soundscape of the outdoor garden. The most famous water feature that has been added to instil tranquillity and calmness is the Japanese sōzu, the bamboo water fountain that falls down as water is filled.

This is just one example of how you can use both visual and sound to bring peace to a corporate office, allowing yourself or your employees the chance to calm your minds.

Cheat When You Have To

Soundscapes are relaxing, so are certain images and colours. While it is always best to have the real thing, know that it is perfectly acceptable to “cheat” when necessary. For example, find either a playlist or CD of natural and soothing sounds for when you need to relax if you cannot introduce a water feature to your office. You can also paint your office in calming colours like blue or pastels if you find that helpful. Even just watching a video of something like waves or a quiet garden can help bring you peace and relaxation.

Try to do as much as you can for real, but know there are technological alternatives when necessary.